Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Cinco de Mayo!

And I'm home at 5:30! OB/Gyn is pretty great as services go. I don't have OB until next week, and I know that will be more labor intensive, pun intended. But overall, I have learned a lot and I"m seeing interesting patients. The great news is that boards went really well. I set a goal for myself and I got just over it! So that's fantastic. I have noticed that since I have been getting less sleep my eye is bugging me quite a bit more. I'll have to keep the other eye peeled to see if it's something that needs attention. It probably just needs some time to adjust. Good thing for the weekends. J calls me a sleep camel, because I'm storing up sleep for the rest of the week! It seems to be working! Haven't had the urge for a nap all week!


PGYx said...

Congratulations for doing so well on your boards!

I love J's idea of a sleep camel. I wish it worked a little better in practice, but I'm willing to keep trying!
